
Alta Verapaz, Guatemala – Q'eqchi' and Spanish collaborative partner

We are a technological, educational, comprehensive, bilingual, intercultural, evolutionary, organized, efficient, and opportunity-generating center for meaningful learning, with trained and committed professional staff in the constant formation of students; to improve their personal development based on principles, values, linguistic diversity, ecological awareness, and a culture of peace, in the municipality of San Miguel Tucurú, Department of Alta Verapaz.

The Bilingual Technological Center was authorized on January 18, 2021, under Departmental Resolution – AC No. 50-2021, issued by the Departmental Directorate of Education of Alta Verapaz. We are located in Barrio La Vega, Municipality of Tucurú, department of Alta Verapaz. In our country, one of the biggest barriers to individual and collective development is the inefficient education of a traditional system that is no longer applicable to the technological and pedagogical changes of today. Therefore, our fundamental objective is to provide quality education; which implies a sacrifice and greater effort for the benefit of children and young people. Our teachers are trained to provide effective education in the area of reading and writing from the early grades, fundamental bases for the following years of schooling. Most of our teachers work without receiving a monthly salary; however, they carry out efficient work worthy of admiration. Our motto is: Bilingual Technological Center “A different way of learning.”

We are proud to collaborate with the Mayan Languages Preservation Project to ensure equal access to our languages in all manners of life and learning. We are also committed to the preservation of our Mayan languages through the National Base Curriculum and through institutions that support such projects, motivating students to become bilingual individuals and professionals by learning a Mayan language, Spanish, and English. Our regional Mayan languages are primarily Q’eqchi’ and Poqomchi’.